Member Registration Form


There is membership registration fee of $20.00

Please enter your credit card details below.

Liability Waiver and Release

On behalf of myself and my children, I understand that there are risks associated with, arising out of and inherent to the activities provided through Omega Concepts Inc., dba Lesko Ballet Academy. They include, but are not limited to, illness, injury and death. In recognition of this acknowledged risk, I knowingly and voluntarily waive all right and/ or causes of action of any kind, including any and all claims of negligence arising as a result of such activity from which liability could accrue to Omega Concepts Inc., dba Lesko Ballet Academy, it’s officers, agents, employees, instructors, subsidiaries, parent corporations, and all affiliated entities (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Ballet Academy”.)

I hereby agree to release Ballet Academy and hold Ballet Academy harmless of all liability, and hereby acknowledge that I knowingly and voluntarily assume full responsibility for all risks arising out of active participation in classes, performances and activities through Ballet Academy on behalf of myself, the legal guardian, and the participant(s).

I understand that while Ballet Academy has undertaken reasonable steps to lessen the risk of transmission of COVID-19, Ballet Academy is not responsible in any manner for any risks related to COVID-19 in connection with its services. I understand that the World Health Organization has classified the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic. I further understand that COVID-19 is a highly contagious and dangerous disease, and that contact with the virus that causes COVID-19 may result in significant personal injury or death. I am fully aware that participation carries with it certain inherent risks related to COVID-19 transmission (“Inherent Risks”) that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid such risks. Inherent Risks may include, but are not limited to, (1) the risk of coming into close contact with individuals or objects that may be carrying COVID-19; (2) the risk of transmitting or contracting COVID-19, directly or indirectly, to or from other individuals; and (3) injuries and complications ranging in severity from minor to catastrophic, including death, resulting directly or indirectly from COVID-19 or the treatment thereof. Further, I understand that the risks of COVID-19 are not fully understood, and that contact with, or transmission of, COVID-19 may result in risks including but not limited to loss, personal injury, sickness, death, damage, and expense, the exact nature of which are not currently ascertainable, and all of which are to be considered Inherent Risks. I hereby voluntarily accept and assume all risk of loss, personal injury, sickness, death, damage, and expense arising from such Inherent Risks.

Furthermore, I represent and warrant that the participants for whom I am registering do not suffer from any medical condition or disease that might in any way hinder or prevent them from receiving the services, including, to my knowledge, COVID-19.

I also give Ballet Academy permission to use my child’s picture in or on any form of advertisement or publication on behalf of Ballet Academy or Ballet Academy affiliated event. (Please notify us in writing if pictures cannot be publicly displayed for any reason)

I am aware that this is a release of liability and an acknowledgement of my voluntary and knowing assumption of the associated risks. I have signed this document voluntarily and of my own free will in exchange for the privilege of participation.

The participants for whom I am registering have my permission to participate in all Ballet Academy classes, performances and activities. I do give my permission to use my cell phone number to send me various billing messages and notifications. I warrant the information is complete and correct and that I do have the authority to act and speak on behalf of the participants I enroll in classes at Ballet Academy. I further release Ballet Academy of all liabilities associated with my children’s attendance at Ballet Academy.

By clicking the "Register and Pay" button below I agree to the terms of the waiver above. I am also opting-in to receiving SMS and email notifications from this company via Users.Solutions Memberships Management software. I can change my communication preferences after signing-in to my online portal.

Powered by Omega Concepts